Meet Cara

Hello! I’m so glad you’ve come to this place, and I’m excited to be able to share a little of my story with you. I believe with all my heart that the things that come into our lives are for a purpose far beyond ourselves and our limited understanding and that God’s divine plan is that we would use our experiences, both the wonderful and the sorrowful, to reach into the lives of others so that we can help one another along life’s journey (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
A Little About Me
I am so blessed to be married to my husband, Paul. We’ve been on our marriage journey together since May 2010. Though we had met as young children and had seen each other a time or two through the growing up years, it wasn’t until we were in our mid-twenties that we met again as adults, and God led us together in a beautiful love story (my favorite one ever!).
My Motherhood Journey
God has blessed our home with four precious sons, each of whom came into our family through the miracle of adoption. We are grateful beyond words for what God has done in our family, and we are thrilled to share with anyone who has a heart for children how God might want them to be involved in foster care and adoption, whether that be wrapping around adoptive families with prayers and tangible support, or even becoming foster or adoptive parents themselves.
What You Can Expect to Find Here
Caring for my children, three of whom have medical and/or special needs, keeps me busy most of the time, but I also love to cook, and am always looking for ways to make meal prep faster while not cutting health and quality: if this sounds like you, too, then you’ll want to check out the recipes I’ll be sharing here!
The everyday, ordinary moments of life are filled with tons of potential and joy, but they can also be incredibly draining. I believe it is vital for women to be filling their own reservoirs so that they have the ability to keep pouring out for others. Time in the Word of God with meaningful study and prayer time is life-giving and life-transforming, and I’m excited to share with you as I dig into the Word to fill my own hungry soul.Let’s Be Friends!
One of my favorite things to do is to sit and sip tea with other women as we share our burdens, joys, life lessons, and funny stories. So pull up a chair, pour yourself a cuppa tea, and please share in the comments or by email what is happening in your life. I’d love to hear from you! The best way to keep in touch is through my monthly newsletter, Refresh. It’ s free, and chock full of encouragement and practical help for moms just like you. Talk soon!

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