
I’m so glad you’re here! This is a place where you will find hope, inspiration, and practical help for living with grace and purpose in the small, ordinary moments of life.
I’m Cara, and I’m married to my sweetest friend, Paul. We have four lively boys, four cats (one indoor and three outdoor), and enough Lincoln Logs, Legos, and wooden train tracks to keep us busy for quite some time. You can read more about our family here.
You’ll find a wide variety of content on this site, but the central theme of EachOrdinaryMoment is encouraging and equipping women in their walk with Christ, the art and joy of homemaking, and in cultivating meaningful relationships with others.
No matter where you find yourself spiritually right now – whether you’ve been a follower of Christ for years, or whether you don’t even know what you believe about God, I pray that you will find hope and strength in this place and that the love of Jesus will shine through the words you read on this blog.
I love homemaking, but I also realize that it can feel like one of the most thankless, seemingly pointless jobs on the earth (case in point: that hamper that was empty just last evening is now brimming with unwashed clothes. And that room that was orderly just an hour ago? Well, it now looks like a tornado passed through. For the third time in one day!) I’m on a mission to find ways to make homemaking rewarding and just a little easier, and I’d love for you to come along with me!
One of the best parts of homemaking, in my estimation, is cooking up nourishing meals that don’t take way longer to make than they do to eat. So you’ll find an ever-growing collection of our family’s favorite recipes to try out and share together with your loved ones.
As a mom to four young boys, three of whom have special needs, I know how tough the days can be, and how easy it is to feel discouraged and lonely in the nitty-gritty of motherhood. I hope that if you are in need of renewed hope in your journey that you will find it in the articles I share about the things I am learning along the way in my own life.
Come join us on this journey of learning to truly treasure the ordinary moments, as we practice the art of contentment, and grow in our faith alongside each of us who are learning to treasure Each Ordinary Moment!
Thank you so much for stopping by. I appreciate you! Please take a moment to sign up for my newsletter so that we can keep in touch!
Have a lovely day,